Personakt Antavla

Marie Lois Hartnoll

Blev 20 år.

Far:Charles Sidney Hartnoll Sr (1922 - 1994)
Mor:Ruth Eleanor Christopherson (1919 - 2003)

Född:1955-07-26 Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States. [1]
Begravd:1975 Melbourne Cemetery. [1]
Död:1975-11-12 Vero Beach, Indian River, Florida, United States. [1]


Marie graduated from Satellite High School in 1973 and worked at the Medic-Home Health Center in Melbourne. She was a murder victim.


1955 Födelse 1955-07-26 Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States [1]
1963 8 år Systern Elaine Hartnoll (Moorman) föds 1963-08-17 Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States [2]
1975 Begravning 1975 Melbourne Cemetery [1]
1975 20 år Död 1975-11-12 Vero Beach, Indian River, Florida, United States [1]

